The realm of parachute accuracy is one of the oldest and largest skydiving disciplines in the world.
Most of the jumpers in this part of our sport are still jumping designs that were created more than
30 years ago, none of which are Performance Designs products. About three years ago PD began
pursuing a new challenge; the traditional accuracy canopy with its very different aerodynamics. We
forged into what would be, for us, previously uncharted territory with the assistance of national
champion Jimmy Hayhurst, a well known coach and accuracy canopy expert. We also enlisted the
assistance of Cheryl Stearns, a world renowned competitor and multiple world champion. After many
different prototypes, numerous test jumps, and countless design improvements we are delighted to
introduce the Zero, an innovative and highly capable canopy for the traditional accuracy competitor.
The Zero is designed primarily for precision accuracy competition and also accuracy type
demonstration jumps.